The Equity Group Foundation (EGF) has placed 113 scholars from its Equity Leaders Program into prestigious universities worldwide, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

These scholars from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo secured scholarships valued at KES 2.7 billion to pursue undergraduate studies across 22 countries.

EGF Executive Chairman Dr James Mwangi emphasized the importance of these scholars as agents of change, capable of addressing Africa’s development challenges.

“As you embark on this journey, remember to stay adaptable and embrace every challenge with integrity. Embrace the journey ahead be open to different cultures and perspectives, and let your unique qualities shine,” said Dr James Mwangi.

“Build strong networks and innovate to create lasting solutions for your community and invest in your ability to overcome challenges and find new approaches as this will be your greatest asset,” he said.

The scholars, who were also part of Equity Bank’s paid internship program, underwent a rigorous two-month College Counseling program to prepare for their academic journey. A week-long boot camp further equipped them with essential skills for navigating university life.

Dr. Mwangi emphasized the role of these scholars in driving Africa’s socio-economic growth and contributing to the continent’s development within the framework of the Africa Recovery and Resilience Plan (ARRP).

“By establishing your networks and contributing ideas and solutions on how to bolster Africa’s economic potential, you can grow trade and investment on the continent, you can expand markets and accelerate technology adoption to elevate our potential,” he said.

“Your contributions will be instrumental in creating a more prosperous future for our continent.”

970 students have been admitted to prestigious universities through the ELP program since its inception.

Garang Makech Kuol, a refugee from South Sudan, and Evelyn Wahu Gathara, the top-performing girl in the 2022 KCSE exams, are among the successful ELP scholars.

The Equity Leadership Program continues to be a catalyst for transformative change, empowering young people to become leaders and make a positive impact on their communities and the continent.


Continent Country and Institution F M Grand Total
Africa (16) Ghana 2 1 3
Ashesi University 1 1 2
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) 1 1
Kenya 2 3 5
USIU – Africa 2 3 5
Rwanda 1 7 8
Adventists University of Central Africa (AUCA) 2 2
Africa Leadership University (ALU) 1 2 3
Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture (Rica) 2 2
University of Global Health Equity-UGHE 1 1
Asia (27) China 5 3 8
Alibaba Business School 1 1
China University of Petroleum 2 2
Duke Kunshan University 1 1
Edinburg University 1 1
Edinburg University, Hainan Norma University 1 1
New York University, Shanghai 2 2
Hong Kong 1 1
Hong Kong University 1 1
India 1 2 3
Delhi Technological University 1 1
Delhi University 1 1
Gujarat University 1 1
Japan 1 1
University of Hyogo 1 1
Lebanon 1 1
American University of Beirut (AUB) 1 1
Pakistan 1 1
Jinnah Sindh Medical University 1 1
Russia 2 2
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology 1 1
Moscow Aviation Institute National Research University  1 1
South Korea 1 1 2
Kyung Dong University  1 1 2
UAE 3 5 8
New York University, Abu Dhabi 3 5 8
Europe (25) France  2 0 2
Sciences Po University 1 1
Universite Clermont Auvergne 1 1
Germany 2 2
Rhein Waal University  1 1
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences 1 1
Hungary 2 1 3
University of Debrecen 1 1
University of Pecs 2 2
Türkiye 7 7 14
Inonu University 1 1
Mersin University 1 1
Dokuz Eylul 1 1
Ankara University 2 2 4
Firat University 1 1
Samsun University 1 1
Sakarya University 1 1
Selcuk University 1 1
Jersey Chanel Islands 1 1 2
Institute of Law Jersey 1 1 2
Slovakia 1 1
Comenius University 1 1
UK 1 1
London School of Economics 1 1
North America (44) Canada 1 5 6
La Cite 1 1
University of British Columbia (UBC) 2 2
University of Toronto 1 2 3
USA 13 25 38
Amherst College 1 1
Bowdoin College 1 1
Brown University 1 1
Claremont McKenna College 1 1
College of the Ozarks 1 1
Columbia University 1 1
Cornell University 1 1
Davidson College 2 2
Hamilton College 1 1
Harvard University 2 2 4
Harvey Mudd College 1 1
Lehigh University 1 1
Massachusetts Institute of   Technology (MIT) 1 1
Mc Clarkson University 1 1
Middlebury College 1 1 2
Minerva University 1 1
Princeton University 2 2
Seattle University 1 1
South Utah University 1 1
Stanford University 1 1 2
University of Arizona 1 1
University of Georgia 1 1
University of Pennsylvania 1 3 4
University of Texas 1 1
Wellesley College 1 1
Wesleyan University 1 2 3
South America (1) Costa Rica 1 1
Earth University 1 1
Grand Total Grand Total 46 67 113


Lorine Otamo is a science journalist who covers health, technology, agriculture, and climate change. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication and a knack for simplifying complex scientific topics.

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