Absa Bank Kenya has launched the Empower Her County Program. This initiative aims to empower 30,000 women-led micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) across Kakamega, Bungoma, and Vihiga counties.

The initiative is being implemented in partnership with the Executive Office of the President (Women’s Rights Advisor), Africa Guarantee Fund (AGF), and Masinde Muliro University.

The program tackles gender-based economic inequalities faced by women entrepreneurs. It provides them with the tools and resources needed to: upskill their businesses, build resilience and thrive in today’s competitive market

The program includes training modules on various business aspects which include:

    • Business registration and taxation
    • Marketing and sales
    • Savings and investment strategies
    • Budgeting and financial planning
    • Bookkeeping
    • Business digitization
    • Market linkages beyond county borders
    • Cross-border trade training

The Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB program incorporates this globally recognized business management training developed by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Harriette Chiggai, the President’s Women Rights Advisor, highlighted the importance of public-private partnerships in supporting women-led MSMEs, particularly at the grassroots level. She emphasized the government’s commitment to women’s empowerment through initiatives like the creation of her office.

Elizabeth Wasunna-Ochwa, Absa Bank Business Banking Director, underscored the program’s alignment with their goal of empowering African women entrepreneurs. She detailed Absa’s broader commitment to provide women with:  market information and access, coaching and mentorship, business networks and capital to scale their businesses.

According to ILO, nearly 60% of women globally work in the informal economy. In Kenya, over 60% of Kenyan women live in rural areas with high poverty rates. In addition, the Women’s Empowerment Index 2020 shows a significant urban-rural divide: 40% empowerment rate in urban areas compared to 22% in rural areas according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics.

Program Impact and Expansion Plans

Empower Her County aims to increase women’s economic participation and entrepreneurship by 70%. The program also targets a 90% improvement in financial literacy and management skills among participating women.

This financial literacy program has a national rollout plan, aiming to reach women entrepreneurs in all 47 Kenyan counties. By equipping women with the knowledge and resources they need, Empower Her County has the potential to significantly contribute to economic growth and gender equality in rural Kenya.


Experience working on communication and marketing departments and in the broadcast industry. Interested in sustainable development and international relations issues.

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