The World’s largest and most popular travel guidance website, Tripadvisor, updated its list of the best travelling destinations for 2023.

Tripadvisor, now available in 43 countries and 22 languages, conducts an analysis every year to come up with the best of the best, both famous and upcoming destinations, to help travellers discover places they can conveniently visit.

The site has more than 1 billion reviews and opinions of about 8 million travellers and businesses wanting to find deals about accommodations, restaurants, meals, and nearby places. They are also sharing their experiences of the places they have ever visited.

The list, compiled by analyzing travellers’ experiences reviews from the global travel community, identified the favourite spots across the World in six major categories: food, nature, popular, trending, ski and culture.

According to the list, Dubai has held the top position as the most popular destination for the second consecutive year. Termed the City of gold, young travellers, celebrities and influencers from across the World have not gotten enough taste of the luxury it offers!

Meanwhile, based on the growth of interest that Tripadvisor users have expressed in the last few years, Cuba is the trendiest destination of 2023.

Best known for its culinary food culture scene, Rome, Italy, tops the list of the perfect food destination sites in 2023. You can find all your favourite recipes, including fried Artichokes, carbonara, cacio e pepe and trapizzino.

For the best place to Ski category, Whistler, located in Columbia province, sits at the top with its breathtaking views and laid-back vibe.

Tripadvisor ranked Fes Morocco as the best destination to find local culture. Reviews show that the country is home to one of the largest intact medieval cities, Fes el Bali.

Topping the list in the sixth Tripadvisor category – Nature is Mauritius. The country is well known for its lush natural environment, ideal for a nature-packed getaway with family and friends.

List of the best destinations you can visit in 2023.

1. Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2. Bali, Indonesia
3. London, United Kingdom
4. Rome, Italy
5. Paris, France
6. Cancun, Mexico
7. Crete, Greece
8. Marrakech, morocco
9. Dominican Republic
10. Istanbul, Turkey
11. Playa del Carmen, Mexico
12. Barcelona Spain
13. New Delhi, India
14. Hurghada, Egypt
15. Madrid, Spain
16. Phuket, Thailand
17. Hanoi, Vietnam
18. Cairo, Egypt
19. Florence, Italy
20. Lisbon, Portugal

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LA writes on various subjects, from family, relationships, and health to commodities in East Africa. She is a graduate of Journalism and Mass Communication from Masinde Muliro University. She is an advocate for women's and children's rights.

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