Somali Parliament, its 140 members, voted unanimously on Saturday cancelling a two-year presidential term extension for President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

The vote was a result of clashes that had resulted in Mogadishu between factions of the security forces.

“I commend the Honorable Members of the House of People for acting responsibly in accepting the president’s request to revert to the September 17 agreement that guides Federal Electoral process, as they considered to overcome challenges the country is going through,” Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble said via his official Twitter handle.

He assured the Somali people, the Federal Member States, politicians and all political stakeholders of parliament’s commitment “to holding free, fair and transparent elections in the country, without infringing upon anyone’s rights.”

“Cognizant of the Federal Member States role, I urge them to work with us to ensure free & fair elections take place in the country. I will soon invite them to attend the National Consultative Forum to finalize the electoral process in line with the Sept 17 and Feb 16 Pacts,” he said.

Mohamed Farmaajo, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia further reassured the country that the Prime Minister will lead the preparation and implementation of the elections and the election’s security.

Last month, Farmaajo had invited the African Union to take a leading role in facilitating an election process.

Mohamed’s term expired in February, but his extension was approved by the lower house which was rejected by the Senate. This led to clashes in Mogadishu.

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres welcomed the vote to nullify a special law and to return to the 17 September Electoral Agreement that will allow for indirect presidential and parliamentary elections.

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