The county governments of Machakos, Makueni and Kajiado have suspended the issuance of new development permits for projects falling within the 10-kilometre radius around the Konza Technopolis for a period of 90 days.

According to the County Governments, this provides sufficient time to creating guidelines and standards for regulation of land use and general development within the Konza technopolis.

“The plan will provide basic guidelines and standards for regulation of land use practices and general development while controlling activities for the respective counties bordering the Technopolis. It will also guide developers and property owners on acceptable standards,” read a joint statement from the three counties.

The formulation of the Inter-County Physical and Land Use Development Plan will largely entail the review of the Approved Development Plan No. 03 (Konza Techno City Buffer Zoning Plan Ref. No. 2564/2013/01) and will adopt a highly participatory and consultative process.

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