MASHUJAA (Heroes) Day, formerly Kenyatta Day, on October 20. It is going to be the 4thsince the Constitution of Kenya…
The latest opinion and comments on news from Kenya, East Africa, and the world.
Kenya marked one (2014) year since the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) presented its report findings and recommendations over…
The wealth of a country is measured in terms of resources that the country has. This is also true that…
“How does change happen?This is perhaps one of those eternal questionsthat carries both simplicityand depths of complexityjuxtaposed in a tensionso…
The media construction of reality is not a unilateral process exclusively performed by Television media and political actors that shapes…
Mashujaa (Heroes) Day, formerly Kenyatta Day, on October 20. It is going to be the third national day celebrated under…